Monday, May 31, 2010

Figuring out the Euro Rail: A Puzzel

Our last morning in London – we journeyed to the Tate Britain! It was interesting but not as cool as some other museums we’ve seen. It was definitely a mix of modern and classic art. We walked past the park on the side of Parliament, took more pictures (a nice way to leave since its also where we started our trip in London), said goodbye to our favorite concierges and headed to the station. Getting on the bullet train was easy. Getting off at Brussels – no problem. Trying to figure out where to go to get the Amsterdam train – a little more difficult. We got on the Euro Rail to Amsterdam and half way into the trip when the ticket people checked our tickets and informed us we were sitting in the wrong section and that we hadn’t gotten our tickets stamped properly. Finally we arrived in Amsterdam, found our hotel, and grabbed dinner. We were exhausted so we planned the next day and went to bed.

Side note to 725, dad, and Kathie: we drove past a café front that was advertising clotted cream. I burst out laughing and immediately thought of you! Miss you all so much!

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