Saturday, May 29, 2010

God Save the Queen

This morning we woke up much more rested and energized than yesterday. We got ready for the chilly day and headed to town. We stopped at a local coffee shop that had great coffee and breakfast pastries. Then we figured out the bus system and took it to Victoria Station. The pub next to the station was roaring with excited and anxious Millwall F.C. fans that were already yelling chants, even though the football (aka soccer) game had yet to begin. We were a little turned around but a nice guy from NY that now lived in London, directed us towards Buckingham Palace. After we had walked for about a minute the guy came back and told us he had directed us the wrong way and didn't want us to get lost, so he pointed us in the right direction! I'm telling you something about London makes everyone nicer! We made it to Buckingham Palace but it was raining a little so the changing of the guards was delayed! We had a great spot right against the fence so we could see everything. We learned the the guards are practicing for the Queen's birthday that is coming up, thus the changing of the guards incorporated the practice for that parade as well! It was so cool to witness. You could tell where the Queen's carriage went, where she would be getting out to wave, ect. We made some friends from Oregon while waiting for the guards to start, too! Then we went to Westminster Abbey - coolest thing yet! It was stunningly beautiful, with so many historic tumbs. We saw the tombs of Kings, Queens, Charles Darwin, Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, ect. AMAZING! THe gold and wood work was also amazing. We listened to the audio guide and who knew that if you upset the Royal family you could be dug up from your grave, hangged, and beheaded. Very interesting tour!! We grabbed a quick lunch and headed to the Brittish Musuem that houses the Rosetta Stone, as well as pieces of the Parthanon and other ancient works. We headed back to the hotel (and never got lost!). More MFC fans with painted faces, celebrating the win! We took a break, went to a very packed Latin resturant and then headed home! Tomorrow we are off to Amsterdam!


  1. Bet you were wishing that I didn't talk you out of taking the rain jacket! Sounds like such fun, did you have any pints today? Sending lots of love and soooooo enjoy reading the blog!

  2. I am loving these as well! And reading them/passing them onto my family. Tell your mom we are safely in NC and the only question my mom had was "how do you turn on the fountain?" It sounds like you're having an amazing time and I hope you're taking a million pictures!! Loooove you. Keep em coming ;)

  3. Hi Liz and Nancy--Jenny sent me the link to your blog--how fun. You now have all of us on your vacation with you :) Sounds like you're having a great time. We're in NC and missing you two, but we're counting on you toasting all us folks who love you both with your first bottle of good Italian wine! Hugs--Helen and Peter
