Friday, May 28, 2010

Just touched down in London Town!

A LONG DAY FOR SURE! Flight out of Newark was delayed an hour and a half. We took the underground loop to a station near our hotel then a taxi. Ali almost got left behind at a station in the loop with the doors closing, but luckily she made it! We put our bags down and immediately started exploring...on foot. We walked past Big Ben, the Beckingham Palace, and through St.James' Park, where we stopped for coffee. We then walked past the end of the changing of the guards at the Palace. After we stopped into a little Brittish pub where I had my first Brittish meal - fish and chips with a pint of beer! Our waiter, David, was great at recommending things and chatting with us! Then we got lost (for the first time). We finally made it back to the hotel to shower, change, and get ready for the Globe..or so we thought. Once in the hotel we checked our email to realize that we had missed our showing of Macbeth at the Globe- a major disappointment. But we made up for it by going to Harrods (my new idea of heaven) where every perfect shoe and dress you can imagine exists! We walked through Piccadelli Circus and then got some good Indian food for dinner. We decided to call it a night since the jet lag was making it hard to stay awake. Then started the adventure of getting lost..part II. After walking 45 minutes in the wrong direction we realized we were NO WHERE near a hotel, hailed a taxi, and made it back safely. Thankfully we are about to go to bed and catch up on some much needed sleep. I now LOVE Brittish people. They are the nicest people I've ever meet. A random stranger carried my suitcase up flights of stairs when exitting the undergroud. The concierge, Filip, has become our new friend, too! So far I am loving the city, despite a few mishaps.

1 comment:

  1. liz!! cannot explain how excited this new blog just made me!! at the end we are going to make this into a book... so be sure to do EVERY SINGLE THING possible. loveee you and miss you already. 6 hours till NC ;)

