Friday, June 11, 2010


Florence is AMAZING!!! soo hott here though! Gelato & Sorbetta popsicles have become my new best friends! We're planning our trips right now and trying to avoid protests/strikes in Europe!!! We're going to Cinque Terre and Lucca this weekend though! We had a amazing 4 course welcome dinner last night with an antipasta dish containing bruschetta, patte, grilled eggplant, zucchini, and proschuito. The next course: rissoto & a meat pasta. Followed by: turkey, salad, and potatoes. Finally: tiramisu. Of course there was wine to go along with it. Such a great meal but soo filling. For lunch today we also had by far the best sandwich of my life froma hole-in-the-wall place called il fratelleni! We're finished with orientation but it wasnt much, just an overview of classes and the city. We found a library that has a bar in it? New study place? I think so! We got a little lost last night - kinda scary but were al okay and just know to pay better attention to how to get home. Thankfully we were traveling in a group of four and were all really aware of our surroundings. Our apartment is great too. It's a little annoying that were not with all the other girls but its a nice place! The view from nicole and i's window is awesome. You can see the mountains, italian buildings, a church...just a cool scenic look. I kinda feel like im looking at a painting of a window until i see the tube of our portable AC unit sticking out the window!! We went to the supermercado and the fresh market yesterday and got the essentials (including wine) and some really fresh fruit!! Wish yall were here with me! Much love!

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