Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Venturing outside the city

After breakfast we took a train to Koog-Zaardijk, a famous windmill town in Holland. We walked through cute little pathways past 4 or 5 wooden windmills. There were goats, sheep, beautiful colorful pansies, and adorable wooden walking bridges. Everything was green! We went to a cheese factory and sampled cheeses, then went to a wooden shoe-making museum. We walked through the residential area of the town a little then took a break at a cafĂ© along the water that had an amazing view. We then took a train to Haarlam, a medieval town. It was a busy but less hectic version of Amsterdam. It had a great plaza for people watching and tons of alleyways with shops. We stopped for a glass of wine in the plaza to watch everyone riding their bikes, walking, and enjoying life. When we got back to Amsterdam, Ali and I went exploring a little. We found the palace, which is under construction, hence why we had missed it before. We looked at different restaurants and shops and just enjoyed walking the city some more. Now we’re back in the hotel freshening up for dinner and the night! Off to Paris tomorrow afternoon! Doi! (goodbye in Dutch!)

* Kathie you would be proud to know that I’ve been stopping to take pictures for couples and families everywhere we go!


  1. I am always proud of you! I see that you figured out how to attach pictures! Makes it feel even more like we are traveling with you.

  2. Your father wants to know "Where in the world is Miss Lizzie"?
