Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quick Updates

-Last Tuesday we had a pizza making class at a local pizza restaurant. AMAZZZINNNGGG. I ate the entire pizza i created (thankfully it wasn’t as big as a normal delivery in the US). Fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, mushrooms, good!!

- Today we got stuck in a torrential downpour, including large pieces of hail, while walking home from Italian class. Later in the day we climbed to the top of the belltower to see all of Florence. Then we went for aparitvos (happy hour/ tapas type of thing) at a really modern hip place.

- Classes have been great! Yesterday our culture class was a 3-hour class on the fashion industry in Italy. A woman who has been involved in finding trends and buying for the entire company of Saks, Target, Harrods, Bloomingdales, and one other place came and talked to us too! Then our art history class was about the doors of the Baptistry and the Duomo. SO interesting! And we ran into Kelly Rip & family then later Santo Versace. Very cool! Italian class has been really fun and HELPFUL! The teachers here are amazing, as are all the program directors.

- Our Italian housemate, Chiara, is the nicest and most sincere person. She’s wonderful and fashionable. I love love her.

More to come on life and such!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like every meal you have is better than the one before. You made our mouths water! Can you ever go back to just drinking water with meals?

    Bet you totally suffered and were completely bored with the history of the fashion industry in Italy. So does this mean you are actually "learning" something?????

    We are so happy that you are TOTALLY embracing your experiences and find happiness in every moment.

    Love and Miss you .... Dad & Kathie
