Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"A day in the Life"

Last night we went out for one last dinner with the lacrosse girls. I had heard about this resturant- il Latini - that was supposed to be great so I made reservations for 9:15. We get there and they seat us immediately at the cutest table by a window. They open a complementary "fiasco" of wine (1.5 liters) and bring 2 bottles of water. Then they start rattling off all of these choices and just say "we'll bring it all to share." Those are the best words to hear in Italy, I promise. The dinner included: house red wine, 3 pastas, a meat tray for 6 people including rosemary pork, roasted basil chicken, t-bone steak, and ribs, white tuscan beans in pomodoro sauce, spinach, and rosemary potatoes. Then they brought us out 6 glasses of complementary dessert wine and lemoncello shots. It was an amazing meal and so much fun. Then we headed out to meet our other friends at a bar. After 30 minutes at one bar, we headed over to Be Bop which is a really small cool bar here.

It has a Beatles cover band that all dress and sound (sa much as they can) like the Beatles. Thus, we spent the night singing, screaming, and dancing to the Beatles, which culminated in us getting on stage to sing "hey jude" with the band. It was a great night! We came back after that so we could sleep a little then wake up to study for our final. We had free pizza before our last final today which was nice and the test wasnt too bad at all. I came back and started packing (so weird) and now i'm about to take a nap!

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