Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lake Como & Catania

After the USA win (long ago, sadly), we went to an aparitivo restaurant that was amazing. it was 8 euro for a buffet of great Italian cuisine and 1 drink. Great deal! We watched the Germany v. Ghana game then went wandering the streets, hung out on the streets of the Duomo, and then ventured home.
The next morning a group of 8 of us left for Lake Como. We stayed in a town called Domaso, which is on the northern end of the lake. It was precious. It's a small town so everyone knew everyone. We stayed at an amazing hostel/apartment place that made us a bowl of Sangria one day. They gave us great dinner recommendations. Our first night we went to dinner on the lake and it was one of the best meals yet. I had mussels in spaghetti, which wasn’t on the menu, but the owner recommended it because they had just caught the mussels. The next day 4 of us went touring around some of the cities including Bellagio and Varenna. In Bellagio we walked though these botanical gardens with a famous villa in it and it was beyond gorgeous. In Varenna we only had time for a luxorious lunch overlooking the lake and a small walk around the city. I defintily want to go back and take a sailboat out on the lake! We went back to our hotel to lay out at the "beach" some and got ready for another great dinner in a garden. We meet some Spanish firefighters later that night to watch the Spain game with then got gelato and headed to bed. We made it back to Florence to relax and rest some.
On Sunday, four of our close guy friends came in town to visit before their program at London School of Economics. We had a great dinner with them at our apartment that night including a abundant amount of gourmet pizza and wine! We watched some world cup games and hung out before sending them back to their hostel. Monday we went to class, but our second class was cancelled so we met up with the boys for lunch then showed them the Ponte Vecchio and sat in the Santa Maria Novela Piazza for the rest of the afternoon. That night our entire group went out to dinner with boys and defintly took on the American loud teenager stereotype. We then wandered Florence and sat on the steps of Santa Croce then headed to a bar and a discoteca with everyone. Tuesday was much more relaxful since we had a midterm on Wednesday. The exam was pretty hard and took over 2 hours. Not fun. But then we left for Catania, a city in Sicily, with the whole group. We arrived late at night so we didnt see much on Wednesday. On Thursday we had a walking tour of the city then had some free time. We didnt have enough time to go to the beach unfortunately, so we tried to find a good place to eat lunch. We asked this lady in attempted Italian where we could go, and she replied in perfect english, then walked us to a great resturant, talked to the owners to get us a great table and help us get started! The lucnh was amazing and clearly the people were so great there! We then had hte WORST class ever. We were in a classroom which is a not fun when you're in a beautiful city for such a short amount of time. We had a great group dinner afterwards to make up for it though! The next day we "hiked" mt. etna, which was more a stroll along the lower parts of the volcano. It was interesting but built up a little too much since we never saw lava. We went to a seafood restuarant for dinner then walked around the city. We saw 5 different brides taking pictures :) And then we stumbled upon a little kids fashion show outside of Coin (a department store). SOO CUTE!! It was ages 2-12! We then FEASTED on desserts, including granitas (famous and amazing in Sicily). Today we made it back to Florence after a 3-hour class on the Mafia (most interesting class yet). An organization that works against the mafia came and talked to us and gave us free shirts! Now im back in my apartment and I'm about to go to bed so I can celebrate 4th of July tomorrow!!

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