Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Midterm Week

On the 4th of July, I finally got to sleep in! Then Christa and I met up with a few girls for lunch and shopping! We were rockin' our red while and blue all day long too! At night we went to "the American Diner" for dinner. AMAZING! Much needed on the 4th - a cheeseburger with fries and a diet coke with ICE (ice doesnt really exist here)! Then we wandered the streets and stumbled upon multiple street artists and concerts! We found one on the Ponte Vecchio that was so much fun! He started playing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and an old couple started swing dancing. Within a few moments 30 or more people were dancing in the streets, so naturally we joined in! We decided it probably won't get better than that and headed to a big piazza with a bluegrass band. We listened for a while and then headed to bed. Monday we had class for what felt like forever. Our first class was at a small theater an hour and five minutes from our apartment. After class we lounged and napped, and i tried to take some medicines to help my throat. Yesterday was great though! Our italian teacher decided the classroom was too hot and took us to a fresh market. We learned the names of all the fruits, vegtables, meats, and cheeses for our quiz tomorrow and then bought some fresh pasta. I got raviolli with spinich and ricotta that had just been made for 1.70 Euro! We went home after class because we had to study for a midterm and quiz that we had today. I made the pasta as my study break though and it was wonderful! I just got out of my second midterm and i'm so happy its over. Christa and I are about to go enjoy SALDI (sales - in every store starting today!). And then study for our Italian quiz tomorrow! After 12pm tomorrow it is officially my birthday weekend! I'll be heading to Capri, Sorrento, and Pompei! Ciao!

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