Thursday, July 15, 2010

A wonderful week!

Monday night a girl from Vandy that is living in Germany was in town, so we went to a restaurant we had all been dying to go to called ZaZa's. It was soo great! The service was excellent - we had a very personable waitress named Christina and they were so quick serving everything! I had the best risotto I’ve had in Italy with mushrooms in it! After dinner we went to a very relaxed bar called Moyo to meet up with some of our friends from the Amalfi trip. We meet up with the rest of our Vandy crew at another club and had a huge girls dance party, which seems to be a common theme on the trip! We turned in early to save some energy for the rest of the week!

On Tuesday after class we went to a great salad place where you can make your own salad with 8 things and then went to the train station to get tickets for Venice this weekend! Afterwards I decided to walk around the park and fort that are by my apartment and enjoy the afternoon outside. It was nice to just wander around and see tons of locals playing with their kids in the park! For dinner, our Italian housemate taught us how to make her mom's recipe of cous cous with fresh peppers, chick peas, and zucchini! It was soo good!

Wednesday for art class, we went to San Marco and saw amazing frescos by Fra Beato Angelico including his Annunciation fresco. We also saw many statues by Donatello! After class we strolled around the streets and finally made our way back to our apartment (after stopping for a midday gelato, that is). We meet up with a good number of people from the FSU/Colgate/Lafayette group for aperativo at Christa and I’s regular place. They loved it! We went to their apartment to have some wine and meet up with the rest of their group. They live right on the Arno next to the American Consulate – definitely a nice location. But better than that, they have AIR CONDITIONING and ICE CUBES! The apartment houses 15 students and has 5 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, a living room and a extra closet room. After hanging out there and having our own little karaoke dance party, we went to the bar to be at on Wednesday nights, Central Park. It’s outdoors by really cool and chic. We had a great time dancing the night away!
Today was much more relaxed. We had a very easy Italian quiz then spent the day resting. Christa and I went to a wonderful dinner at Acqua al 2 and shared a Gorgonzola pasta and blueberry steak! It was WONDERFUL! I just finished packing and am about to go to bed so I’ll be rested for my weekend in Venice and Verona!!

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